About Us
The mission of the Pendleton Airport is to ensure the safety of all operations and provide exceptional service to current and future customers. In addition to supporting and promoting economic growth and activity for the betterment of the regional communities and businesses.
The vision of the Pendleton Airport is to become the hub of aviation operations and technology, the primary driver of regional economic prosperity, and reputable for exceptional, reliable customer service.
The purpose of the Pendleton Airport is to be a catalyst for growth and economic activity that benefits regional communities, tourism, and businesses.
Airport Specifications
Two runways:
Primary Runway 8/26 – 6,301 ft. x 150 ft.
Crosswind 11/29 – 5,581 ft. x 100 ft. (accommodates up to Boeing 757)
2,800 ft. UAS-dedicated runway
Air Traffic Control Tower (6 AM – 8 PM)
Instrument Landing System (minimum ½ mile visibility and 200 ft. ceiling)
Extensive Taxiway and Apron System
Sparsely populated
~13 inches
300+ VFR Days/Year
Landside Facilities:
Ticket counter and spacious lobby
Elvis's Bar & Grill (11 AM - 9 PM)
The Doolittle Conference Room for meetings, luncheons, and presentations
Lodging within walking distance
Aircraft Storage Facilities:
28 T-hangars
200 tie-downs
Two conventional hangars
Support Facilities:
Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Facilities (ARFF)
6-bay maintenance facility
Snow removal equipment
Fuel services (Multiple FBOs)
14,000 sq. mi. of UAS Test Range
Luxury, Comfort, & Style
Largest Airport in NE Oregon
Important News Highlight
Senator Ron Wyden Visited Pendleton August 25th, 2024

The ongoing developments at the Pendleton UAS Range and the Oregon UAS Accelerator are pivotal for the regional airport's growth, positioning it as a key player in the tech and aviation sectors. These advancements attract businesses and investment, boosting the local economy and transforming the airport into a hub for innovation. This, in turn, enhances the airport's strategic importance, driving further economic growth in Pendleton and strengthening its role as a regional leader in both aviation and technology.
In The News
It's not uncommon to see The Pendleton Airport in the news, as you can see from its rich history and numerous businesses that take flight in Pendleton.
Pendleton Airport unveils renovations, prepares for ribbon cutting
Pendleton is proof that for Oregon, supporting innovation works
Pendleton airport passenger traffic up 32% in the first half of 2022 from last year
Manager Reports
Given that Pendleton Airport is a public entity, they have a public record of what is going on at the airport. If this is something you are interested in seeing, use the link below to browse the reports by date.